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How do you adjust screen brightness in Windows 10?

How do you adjust screen brightness in Windows 10?

Sometimes it is very important to adjust screen brightness especially if you need to use the laptop for the next few hours on a move and there is no option to the plug-in charger so that u can charge the battery in that case just reduce the brightness of your laptop screen and this will give u good amount of extra working time on the laptop. Although this is very simple in an earlier version of windows in new Windows 10 follow the below steps to adjust the brightness.

Check Display Drivers

For adjusting screen brightness first of all you need to Check if proper Display drivers are installed on the laptop.
For this Go to Device Manager Expand Display Adapters and then select the graphics driver, now open its properties and finally update the latest drivers, if somehow this doesn’t work please go to the manufacturer’s website and search for your model in Drivers and Download–>Finally download and install latest display/ graphics drivers.

Fn( Function Key ) in Keyboard

In Most laptops we can adjust the brightness from the keyboard Fn(function) key, Look for brightness symbol on top line of keyboards mostly F5 and F6 but it may vary in different brands.
If drivers are properly installed you can adjust the brightness from these keys.

Adjusting Screen brightness from Control Panel

If you are not able to adjust the brightness from Fn key follow these steps
1. Open Control panel
2. In the control panel window look for the Display icon–> double click to open it
3. One left side menu click on adjust brightness
4. You will find the slide bar at the bottom.

HURRAYYY now Adjust as per your requirement.

Notification panel

There is a brightness setting button in the. It cycles the display brightness between 25-50-75-100% we can adjust the screen brightness from here as well.

How To Increase Laptop Battery Backup

How To Increase Laptop Battery Backup

We are on the move more than ever these days. While we now have laptops as powerful as modern desktop PCs. Five years ago, battery power technology does not seem like progressing the fastest time. Traveling with technology continues to be an ongoing battle against life’s everlasting flight from the laptop battery.
If your laptop battery is running in a vacuum, here are eight easy steps to last longer.

1) Lets Change Your Laptop Screen Brightness

Like Mobile phone, a good amount of your laptop’s battery power is used for lighting the screen. The more brighter the screen is, the more battery power is used from the battery. So reducing little bit brightness of screen can go a long ways towards making your laptop battery last longer.
In most laptops keyboards have this function to adjust screen brightness. Look and hold the “Fn” key (function key) and look for brightness symbol on the top line of keyboard. This may vary by make and model.

2) Stop Unnecessary startup Background Programs

When Your computer starts lot of programs open ups automatically every time since they are listed in startup. Some of these are necessary, but some of these programs you’d never not required every time or every day. No matter how much you use them, they’re all eating up battery power as long as their open. You can check this in task Manager under process and find unwanted programs and if you don’t want the program longer please uninstall them from control panel.If you might require them in future please clear them from startup either from MSCONFIG or from task manager this will help and you should immediately notice increased battery performance.

3) Put Your Laptop Into Sleep Or Standby When Not In Use

it’s very common to step away from your laptop for a few minutes. However, the laptop screen is still on and all the programs are still running during these few minutes. Even though you’re not physically doing anything on the laptop, it’s still consuming as much battery power as if you were.
So when you decide to walk away for a moment, please hit Start Menu > Power > Sleep/Standby. Its just takes a second, your computer still start back up immediately when you come back, everything you were working on will still be there, and your battery will thank you for the rest.You can also configure this in power options under control panel to put computer on sleep when it is idle for 3 or 5 mins.

4) Put Your Laptop Into Hibernate If You’re Stepping Away For Longer

If you know you’ll be away from the laptop for longer and you don’t want to shut it down put your laptop on hibernate this will save even more battery power than sleep/standby.You can do this by the same way; press the Start Menu > Power > Hibernate. Just like the Sleep , all your work and pages will still be there when you get back.

5) Unplug Any USB Device That Isn’t In Use

People often never think about, but maintaining that USB connection uses resources from your Laptop. So whenever you are not using any USB Device like USB flash drive, wireless mouse, or Wi-Fi receiver, please unplug it and this will save some energy on your battery.

6) Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connections

If you’re not actively using your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection by disabling these connections you can save a lot of battery power . If you leave them active, they’ll constantly be searching for available signals they can connect to. And that search takes energy.

Why my computer is slow. Here is Solution

You might often think why my computer or Laptop is slow or infect you may notice that it is getting slower day by day. Are you also a victim on slow computer or slow laptop

Malware , viruses, bootware and your settings can all be to be blamed for your slow computer or slow laptop. Continue reading this to discover how to make your Laptop speedier.

There aren’t many more disappointing things than a very slow Laptop. Wasting minutes at a time sitting still in front of a notebook or  Microsoft Office program can make even a rational the one wants to throw away their Laptop.

But don’t do that …There are some simple steps you can take to make your Laptop run fast again. Removing Viruses and changing few settings are a decent start. Here are some must-do exercises to keep your PC in tip-best condition. So are you ready for a new speedy Laptop? Follow the below steps to update your computer title from slow computer to fast computer

Update Windows and Software Regularly.

Ensure all your software are up to date. This incorporates web programs, applications, drivers for gadgets, for example, printers, and, above all, Windows itself, as Microsoft issues consistent upgrades to fitting security openings or settle glitches in the working framework.

DEFRAG your hard drive regularly

At the point when your PC spares a substantial record to the hard drive, it breaks it into little pieces and stores them over a few
areas. As these documents gather, the hard drive takes more time to get to them.  Disk defragmentation tools are incorporated into Windows, running them reorganize all data in a more logical fashion so your PC performs faster. In the event that you have a strong state drive (SSD), this procedure won’t be important, as Windows will consequently do it for you occasionally out of sight. It’s generally suggested that you don’t defrag an SSD yourself.

Check for Viruses and other malware

Run your Anti-virus program consistently. Viruses can back off your PC and cause information misfortune, while spyware can trade-off PC security by observing your action and gathering data about you. Run your anti-virus and ensure it is having the latest virus definitions updated. In the event that you don’t yet have any malware removal/Antivirus please use windows defender it is free from Microsoft and very effective as well.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Each time you visit a site page, your web program stores or “caches” it as a little record in your Temporary Internet Files folder.
Correspondingly, it stockpiles little records called ‘cookies’, which contain data about your perusing history and some personal details. After some time, the volume of these records can become huge. Occasionally cleaning caches will help you to work faster while loading web pages and also create some space in your Hard Disk. In a most Internet browsers, these settings can be found inside the Settings menu, named something like Clear browsing data or Clear cache & cookies.

Disable unwanted startup programs

How quickly your PC begins up relies on a few things, including the hardware speed you’re utilizing and the Version of the windows operating system. In any case, the large number of programs that starts with Windows have a huge impact on booting speed of a computer. Many programs will begin running undetectably out of sight when you turn on your PC, backing off the computer startup time and conceivably slow your computer. However, you really don’t need to launch these programs automatically at startup: How to disable startup programs…Follow the below steps

1.Click Start
2.Type Msconfig in the Search bar and press Enter
3.In the System Configuration window, look for the Startup tab.
4.Here watch all startup programs carefully and un-tick the case by
case those you don’t want to start automatically at startup. Just
deselect programs (Try not to disable the Antivirus program)
5.Click Apply and after that save OK.
After that restart your computer.

How to disable startup programs in windows 10..Follow the below steps

1.Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
2.Open Task Manager
3.In this window look for the Startup tab.
4.Here watch all startup programs carefully and disable the case by case those you don’t want to start automatically at startup. Just deselect programs (Try not to disable the Antivirus program)
5.Click Apply and after that save OK.

After that restart your computer.

If you follow all the above steps it will boost your computer speed at least by 30%. and you will never feel that you are having a slow computer